Customer Success Story

Layer 8 virtual live hack raises awareness of security risks around human errors

Customer Introduction

Our customer is a significant player in the property management industry, serving property investors and occupiers from office and industrial markets such as logistics. Their services include industrial agency leasing and sales, accredited property and asset management and facilities maintenance and management. Security is relevant to this client because they work with highly consequential locations that impact distribution. In protecting data, this business can more effectively serve customers.

The Situation

This customer was more aware of technical cyber security than the human errors that risk phishing attacks. These property management professionals had yet to realise that a person, even with good intentions or otherwise, could be highly vulnerable to cyber security risks that impact business.

Cyber-attacks cost Australians over 33 billion dollars in the last financial year. This is a real issue with practical implications and surprisingly simple causes, with human error being the predominant cause of breaches. Social engineers exploit human psychology and behaviour to then access buildings, systems and data. Human beings are capable but also make honest mistakes. This property management customer needed their team to become more aware of risks to mitigate cyber threats and improve the organisation’s overall security effectively.

Enter Layer 8 Security

Layer 8 was recommended for their cyber training expertise and previous experience in hosting cyber security games for one of their tenants. They facilitated a virtual event that enhanced skills in problem-solving and prevention, resulting in real behavioural change. Attendees participated in an immersive simulation/presentation combination to virtually experience in real time what happens if a phishing attack or other security threat occurs.

Our Layer 8 hosts discussed how and why phishing emails target vulnerable people to then damage businesses and outlined the steps the human element in an organisation can take to avoid these consequences. This event was an interactive discussion with opportunities to ask questions and share relevant personal experiences.


These property management industry professionals gained awareness of cyber security threats such as phishing and social engineering, and due to Layer 8’s proven immersive approach to the training, can be assured the key messages are retained and exercised by the team in their day-to-day operations. They now understand the consequences of such attacks and how to prevent these business threats in the future, especially by minimising human error. The customer also now has a greater awareness of cyber security in general. This Layer 8 training formula has shown that it can improve knowledge retention by 75% and reduce risk by up to 87%. The business is now reviewing changes in its operations based on the lessons they learned. These professionals are now better able to protect the cyber security of their organisation and their customers’ data. 

Is it time you started taking cyber awareness seriously? Get in touch to explore the best path forward for your organisation.
“We found the session on cyber fraud and hacking revealing. Layer 8 has identified many of the areas where IT security can be compromised, and our group has taken steps to protect us better. We are very pleased we attended the session.”