About us

An Australian-owned and grown security institution since 2011

Layer 8 Security has been an Australian-owned and grown cyber security institution since 2011. We understand the ever-growing cyber landscape and successfully deliver world-leading cyber awareness programs for thousands of Australians to ensure they are equipped to keep their organisations protected.

Our team consists of highly skilled IT experts with many years of experience in different organisations and industries, giving them broad and in-depth capabilities that only come with experience.

We share our best practices and corporate knowledge in line with industry best practices and global standards throughout every consulting project. In this way, we transfer our expertise to our customers, providing you with a level set and the ability to confidently monitor, manage, and improve your risk posture on an ongoing basis.

Our approach to training and educating your staff is the critical differentiator in our security solutions. Ensuring the key security learnings around cyber best practices are gained and retained by staff is key to ensuring that behaviours and team culture are instilled long-term across your organisation.

The three pillars of cyber security

Layer 8 puts the three pillars of your business – technology, processes and people – under the microscope to
comprehensively prepare your organisation against the evolving world of cyber threats, and equip your
people to be a cyber-aware first line of defence against potential cyber attacks.


While technology alone is never the answer, it is the backbone of the modern workplace so we ensure that your technology is up to date, patched correctly, and configured properly to ensure your tech isn’t the weak link and a liability in your cyber strategy.


Processes are essential to ensure there are guidelines for staff to follow. These need to be reviewed regularly and made digestible for staff to use. Staff won’t read or retain cumbersome and lengthy policies, so we ensure your team gains and retains crucial cyber knowledge.


As the most commonly targeted component of any business, your cyber security and risk mitigation strategy must address the desires, attitudes, personalities, cultural impact, external and personal influences, knowledge levels, and ultimately behaviour to keep your business safe.

Meet the team

Tom Freer

Chief Executive Officer

Josh Heathcote

Head of Channel


News & Articles

If cyber security is on your mind, or needs to be, please get in touch with the cyber experts at Layer 8 Security and begin your journey towards a safer and more secure future for your organisation.