Cyber Security Executive Workshop for Boards and the C-Suite

Leadership’s Blueprint for Cyber Strategy, Security & Success

of businesses
Reported loss of time in managing cyber security attack
of businesses
Reported downtime of service
of businesses
Reported a loss of staff productivity

*in 2021-22, source: ABS.

Within the boardroom, cyber security isn’t optional—it’s imperative. For Boards and the C-suite, comprehending the extensive implications of cyber security is crucial. It’s not solely about mitigating attacks; it encompasses the broader responsibility of protecting the organisation’s integrity, preserving its reputation, and steering informed decisions.

Layer 8’s Cyber Security Executive Workshop is a response to this imperative. Designed for senior leadership, it addresses the complexities of the current cyber security landscape, marked by rapidly changing and increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. This workshop equips leaders with practical knowledge and actionable strategies to identify, manage, and mitigate cyber security risks. With a focus on governance, risk management, and compliance, leaders will leave with comprehensive security solutions and practices, and the ability to reinforce organisational security posture in the face of the current cyber landscape.

Why partner with Layer 8

Participating in this workshop will enable

Enhanced Organisational Resilience

Leaders will be empowered to manage cyber risks, ensuring uninterrupted business, fortified resilience, and strategic agility


Gain insights into cyber threats to enhance decision-making and strengthen board’s oversight and business alignment

Proactive Threat

Formulate defences against threats, enhancing security posture, and ensuring organisational preparedness and swift response strategies

Strategic Alignment and Governance

Align security strategies with business goals, enabling cohesive cyber security integration through efficient governance.

Workshop Outline

Introduction to Cyber Security
  • Understand cyber security and its organisational relevance.
  • Realise impacts of cyber breaches on company assets.
  • Emphasise financial and reputational implications.
Cyber Threat Landscape
  • Discuss current cyber threats and high-profile attacks.
  • Address industry-specific risks and regulatory needs.
  • Highlight significant threats like malware and phishing.
Role, Responsibility, and Governance
  • Define board's pivotal role in cyber security oversight.
  • Align cyber security with overarching business objectives.
  • Detail governance and reporting structures.
Regulatory, Legal, and Compliance Aspects
  • Overview of cyber security legal regulations.
  • Grasp legal repercussions of cyber security non-compliance.
  • Understand director duties under key legislations.
AI Technologies and Cyber Security
  • Exploring the board's increasing apprehension towards AI-driven security risks.
  • Delving into how AI reshapes the cyber threat landscape.
  • Strategies and best practices for safeguarding AI implementations.
Strategic Cyber Security Planning
  • Introduce relevant cyber security metrics and interpretation.
  • Explore incident response, business continuity strategies.
  • Address vendor and third-party risk management.
Best Practices and Case Engagement
  • Introduce essential cyber security best practices.
  • Engage with real-world cyber security incidents.
  • Promote board discussions on cyber threat responses.

Be Proactive. Be Informed. Be Secure.

Your organisation’s security can’t wait. Contact us today to discuss your board’s specific needs and ensure your leadership is well-equipped to navigate the current and future cyber security landscape with insight and confidence.