Too many leaders focus on taking the tech-based route when it comes to cyber security. They focus on acquiring software and working with an outsourced security provider to protect their business. However, many of these technologies can become compromised if your team does not have the knowledge to follow best practices.
Cyber security training for employees is one of the first steps I recommend you take when working to strengthen your cyber security posture. Training programs help people understand the dangers of cyber threats, what to look for and how they can protect themselves and the business.
1. Assessing the gaps
Before you sign up your team for any cyber security training, you must measure your current cyber security maturity level and identify the gaps in your organisation. The assessment will help you determine what training is needed and who needs it.
For example, a phishing simulation might show that half of your employees know how to recognise a phishing attempt. There is little point in putting that half of your organisation in a training course that takes people through some basic techniques for identifying attacks. Instead, you can provide different training for groups of people with varying levels of knowledge.
2. Educating your team
Once you know your vulnerabilities, it is time for cyber security training to begin. Training programs have traditionally taken place in boardrooms with unengaging content and general knowledge that does not address your organisation’s specific concerns.
Now, educating your team can be a fun exercise, with cyber security escape rooms, trivia, and treasure hunts to improve knowledge retention. Cyber security games do a better job of educating your team than old-school lectures.
Some of the benefits include:
- Improved awareness of potential threats
- Increased ability to identify and report suspicious activity
- A better understanding of how to protect sensitive data
- Enhanced overall security posture for the company
3. Reinforcing the lessons
Cybersecurity training should be ongoing to ensure that people are up-to-date on the latest threats and how to protect themselves.
It is also best practice to participate in further phishing simulations to put your team’s knowledge into practice and ensure the effectiveness of their training. You can refer more training to people that fail the simulation so that they can learn and protect the organisation from legitimate phishing attacks when they occur.
4. Changing your culture
When it comes to cyber security, company culture matters. People make decisions about responding to emails, securing their accounts, reporting suspicious behaviour, etc. Training programs reinforce that cyber security is the responsibility of everyone in the business, not just the IT department.
Organisations with strong cyber security cultures can effectively defend against cyber threats because their employees know the risks and how to handle sensitive information properly. They also recognise and report suspicious activity, helping to prevent attacks.
Start your cyber security training program with Layer 8
Our Cyber Escape Rooms are a tried and true method of ensuring your team gain and retain valuable cyber security and awareness knowledge. Whether working remotely or finding a cause to get the team back together, we can tailor a physical or virtual Cyber Escape Room to suit your group. You can book a preview session to learn more about the experience.